Monday, March 30, 2009

Elisha's getting huge!

It is amazing how quickly Elisha's growing. Here he is giving dad a back rub!

He turned three months yesterday and we finally feel adjusted to a 7th Waggoner in the house. He is sleeping through the night and is usually happy during the day....we just have to keep a bottle nearby. This boy can eat!

Some pictures from Peru

The beauty of the Andes mountains in Peru is breathtaking.

We got a lot accomplished. One of the harder projects was digging this drainage ditch (60' long) for a new bathroom. This is Ethan, Rachel's younger brother.

We got to eat some great this guinnea pig (a delicacy!)

At the end of the trip we went to see Macchu Picchu (Inca Ruins).

An airport surprise!

I recently returned from Peru. We went down to help Sarah (Rachel's sister) and her husband Gary get settled into their new home. It was a great week! I'll post some pictures soon.

When we arrived in Lima there was a huge commotion in the airport. Kina Malpartida, a world champion Peruvian woman boxer had arrived at the same time. As we walked out of customs, we didn't realize that she was right behind us. One of our team members looked at the huge crowd with all the cheers and banners and said jokingly, "I guess they're happy we're here."

As soon as the crowd saw Kina there was an instant mob rush toward us. If you look carefully in the video you'll see Keith my father-in-law directly in front of her. It was a scary couple of minutes as the wave of people kept pushing in on us.

I used this video as an intro to the sermon yesterday. Our text was John 15:18-27. Jesus was warning the disciples that the world would hate them because they hated him. More and more in our world, people are rushing to find fame, success, money, and pleasure. Our culture seems to hate everything that gets in the way of this pursuit. The lost will trample over the amazing grace of Christ to get to some cheap substitute that won't satisfy. God used this experience to reignite my passion to proclaim the gospel no matter what the cost.