Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's official!

Today was a big day for our family. We closed on a house in Delavan. It is a big step and commitment to the ministry here to buy a home, but we feel that God has led and provided in amazing ways.

He is so faithful and he continues to teach us that his definition of success is faithfulness. He wants us to bear fruit where he's planted us. We know we've been blessed to be a blessing. We're praying that God will work in and through us to build the kingdom in this little town. Exciting things are happening.... Soli Deo Gloria


Aunt Ruth said...

Stephen and Rachel, how great that you now have a blog. It helps us keep in better touch. We love the family picture and also the house!!! Hope we get to see it some time in person. Each of you are so precious to us. Your open and humble Christ-like spirit speaks volumes--words not always needed. We pray God's richest blessings on you all. Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth PS I'm not blog educated--for now the google account has me as audreytessa--I do not know how to change it as of now. It's me (Aunt Ruth)

Aunt Ruth said...

Stephen and Rachel,
We love your new house. What a providential working of God this is.

Aunt Ruth said...

This is a test. This is only a test. If this were a real emergency, we would all be in deep trouble.