Thursday, July 12, 2007

You guys go to church or something?

We're already seeing a big part of our mission field here....the neighborhood kids. It seems like they're always around to play. The boys love it, but Rachel and I are still getting used to it all. One particular boy is a challenge. Little (well not so little) Tyler, a nine year old boy that lives a couple blocks over has been at our house for 10 or so hours that last couple days. He is very demanding and not very polite. A few minutes ago, we found him inside helping self to snacks and the Play Station. When asked about it he said that he saw Caleb do it. Rachel calmly explained that Caleb actually lives here but she would gladly get Tyler something if he would be willing to ask first.

My office overlooks the side yard where Tyler has been loudly expressing his desires for how play time should go. Presently the kids are playing in the sprinkler. Well I should so that Tyler is playing in the sprinkler. He evidently thinks it is "cool" to lay on top of it and keep the others kids from the fun. I just about yelled, "Get off my sprinkler you chubby punk." In fact just seconds ago I had opened my mouth to express a slightly nicer version of the above statement when I heard Josh ask Tyler this question. "Tyler do you love God and Jesus." To which Tyler responded with a question of his own, "You guys go to church or something?" Caleb began to tell him about our church.

My boys' sensitivity to Tyler's spiritual needs was a strong contrast to my selfishness and the frustration I had over Tyler's loud interruptions to my sermon preparation instantly began to preach to my heart. God loves even the sprinkler hogs and it's no accident that Tyler lives nearby. Pray for him (and for us!) . Maybe someday soon Tyler will go to church or something!

Well guess what...Tyler just walked into my kidding! Not sure how he got in here, but he's asking what I'm studying so I guess it's time to live out loud!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing, Stephen. Looks like you have a mission field all around you. Wonder what Tyler's home life is like? I will pray for patience and wisdom for you and Rachel. I surely would need lots of it with "stangers" walking into the house. Maybe someday you-all can have a summer vacation Bible school for just the neighborhood kids. Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth