Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Three cats + 1970's shag carpet = Major asthma attack

After a week of moving and a week serving as a speaker/music leader (Rachel led the music thank goodness :)) for a camp in Virginia the entire family is back home and settling in.

Sorry it's been so long for a new post. The last month has been crazy. We're finally unpacking the mountain of boxes in every room. Unfortunately the digital camera is in one of those boxes....so no new pictures yet. We should be able to find it soon.

The previous owner's three cats + 30 year old shag carpet = a major asthma attack on move in day. I was here working alone when my cat allergies set off the worst asthma attack I've every had. I crawled down from up stairs and passed out sucking air from an air condition vent in the living room. Somehow I woke up 2 hours later in our rental house 10 miles away with a major head ache. God was protecting in a powerful way.

All that to say that the major project has been "de-cating" the house. After a lot of man hours asthma medicine, itchy eyes, and hives, we're finally "breathing easy" and smelling french vanilla air freshners instead of kitty litter :)

Gasping for each breath reminds you how feeble you are. We're completely dependent on our Creator. We continue to learn this lesson in many ways and are grateful to be able to play a small part in what He's doing here in central Illinois.

More updates with pics coming soon. Thanks for your prayers.

All for Him,
Steve for the family


Aunt Ruth said...

Stephen and Rachel, we surely praise the Lord for His protection of Stephen during the asthma attack!! Stephen, your transparency and openness continues to be a blessing to me. Please give Josh a special hug from me. God bless each of your special family!! Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Duct Tape EMT said...

That is truly a very scary feeling... woke up on the floor of my ambulance building one time with my EMT partner screaming "When were you going to tell me you were an asthmatic??!!" LoL.
Anyhow, thank God for albuterol and protection. (And good luck with the new house, it sounds AWESOME!)
<>< Lauren Marie ><>